Veterinary medicine
We provide a broad range of veterinary medicine analyses for fish pathogens and smoltification.
Genetic analyses
SINTEF Norlab has supplied accredited analyses to the aquaculture industry for a long time. SINTEF Norlab has an agreement in place with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and has been appointed a public laboratory within the field of fish health.
Public laboratory
Being a public laboratory within the field of fish health means that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority can use SINTEF Norlab for virus analyses, and that fish health veterinarians often recommend us to fish farmers.
Our expertise within this field is located at our Namsos laboratory. The laboratory is accredited within P27 Veterinary Medicine.
Virus tests approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority apply to the SAV and ISAV agents. Subtyping can be performed in the event of positive results. Accredited testing of the VHSV, IHNV and IPNV viruses is also performed. We can test for SGPV (pox virus) and Paramoeba perurans, a parasite that causes AGD (amoeba gill disease).
Other services
For hatcheries, smoltification knowledge is essential before the fish is sent on to fish farms. We offer accredited ATPase analyses.
We have experience in the development of new methods that are in demand for specific purposes. We also have contacts in our network that provide us with the opportunity to establish positive collaborations and make it possible to utilise new technologies in the development of new methods. This could include analyses to identify recently discovered agents, but also new technologies that make it possible to improve existing methodologies.
In addition to P27 Veterinary Medicine, our laboratories are accredited within P12 Chemical Analysis. This includes environmental parameters (metals, PAH/NPD, THC, PCB), TOC, loss of ignition and grain distribution in sediment samples.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with our technical experts if you have questions or would like to book our services.

Lars Löfvenberg, PhD
Senior Engineer
Fish health, smoltification, genetic technology, enzyme kinetics, metod development and validation, practice head veterinary medicine

Johan Ahlin
Senior Engineer Food, Environment, and Veterinary Medicine
Quality manager chemical analyses, drinking water analyses, environmental surveys, water and sewerage local authorities