Chemical analyses

SINTEF Norlab conducts a wide range of chemical analyses related to environmental investigations and quality control of raw materials and products. From well-equipped, modern laboratories, we deliver inorganic and organic analyses for industrial customers and research organizations. We also provide customized testing.

SINTEF Norlab delivers customised outsourced laboratory solutions to a number of industrial companies.

Environmental analyses

SINTEF Norlab has well-equipped laboratories and highly professional expertise in organic and inorganic analyses of municipal and industrial wastewater, leachate from landfills, contaminated soil, sludge, and sediments.


Wastewater includes industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater, oily wastewater, discharge water and grey water.

The standard parameters depend on the water region and recipient type, but generally include the following:

  • biochemical oxygen consumption (BOF5/BOF7)
  • chemical oxygen consumption (KOF-Cr)
  • total phosphorus
  • total nitrogen
  • suspended solids (SS)
  • pH
  • oil (mineral oil)
  • total organic carbon/dissolved organic carbon (TOC/DOS)

Analyses from industrial and municipal wastewater networks often require other analyses not mentioned above. Some of these can be delivered through our own laboratories while others are delivered through our partners.



Sludge occur in various contexts,  in municipal wastewater systems, landfills, the aquaculture industry and more.

Typical issues:  Is it  hazardous waste, can it be used as  road fill, or if it can be used as  soil improvement (e.g. as organic fertilizer).

Typical analyses:

  • heavy metals, PAH16, PCB7, THC, BTEX in terms of hazardous waste
  • nutrient analysis (phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, pH, etc.) in addition to  heavy metals (for declaration as organic fertilizer).

External links:


There are numerous of mandatory analyses required  with regards to fish farming, petroleum and industry, in addition to other activities that may pollute or contaminate the sea bottom, rivers and lakes.

Typical analyses:

  • MOM-C surveys:
    • copper, zinc, phosphorus, nitrogen, grading, dry matter, LOI (loss of ignition), TOC (incl. normalized TOC (Total Organic Carbon)) as minimum
  • for yards, tanneries, oil installations:
    • PCB7, PAH16, BTEX, THC, heavy metals, incl. chome-6

Other analyses depending on nature of activity.

We offer

  • accredited analyses.
  • assistance and advice in connection with sample collection.
  • extended reporting, including assessment of analysis results compared to regulatory limits.
  • sample bottles/bags in return packaging at no additional cost.

Why choose SINTEF Norlab

SINTEF Norlab is an accredited laboratory with extensive experience, and several of our environmental analyses are accredited. We are an approved supplier of environmental analyses to the petroleum industry, among others, as we are registered in Achilles and Epim. We have been an active partner in the community working with environmental monitoring since 1980s.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or an offer.

Norsk Akkreditering
Hege Karlsen

Hege Karlsen

Head Chemistry and Materials

Inorganic analytical chemistry, environmental analyses

 +47 412 06 644

Wenche Brennbakk

Wenche Brennbakk

Head Marketing